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Memory Studies Conference | 2023

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We caught up with Dr Catherine Gilbert, Newcastle University Academic Track Fellow in the School of Modern Languages, about the Memory Studies Conference which took place between 3rd-7th July 2023.


What is the Memory Studies Conference?

The Memory Studies Conference is an exciting annual international event organised by the Memory Studies Association, which brings together over 1000 academics, creative practitioners, museum professionals and people involved in commemoration and remembrance work to a different country every year to share ideas and research and exchange information.


Has this conference been to the UK before?

This is the first time it’s been in the UK, so we’re really excited we’ve been able to bring it to Newcastle and showcase all the amazing things that are going on in the city!


What was the theme of the conference?

Every year it has a different theme, this year’s theme was “Communities and Change” because we really felt that it captured Newcastle as a really dynamic and vibrant city with so many different communities.


Why did you want to bring it to Newcastle?

We thought to bring it to Newcastle because of its long history and heritage in terms of industrialisation, and its local history of activism and social justice. Even thinking as far back to Hadrian’s Wall as a historic meeting point and its current status as a World Heritage site.


How have NGI and Newcastle Convention Bureau helped bring the conference to Newcastle?

NGI have been very helpful in terms of thinking about what information we need to give to delegates, and sharing all the information about the region and the city. They put together the whole package of hotel deals for us and our delegates have really taken advantage of that and really enjoyed staying in the heart of Newcastle. They also had an information desk with maps and things to help delegates to figure their way around when they arrived. It’s been a real pleasure working with them.


Conference date
3-7th July 2023

Total delegates

Newcastle University

Additonal venues
The Frederick Douglass Centre and Urban Science Building

"Our delegates have really taken advantage of everything the Convention Bureau has offered and enjoyed staying in the heart of Newcastle… It’s been a real pleasure working with the Convention Bureau"

- Dr Catherine Gilbert

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